Study Overview

The Public Opinion Lab partnered with the 30A Company the first annual Beach Happy Study. The study surveyed 1040 U.S. travelers between the ages of 25 and 55 to uncover insights into the connection between travel and overall happiness. Key Takeaways are found below. Please download the full report below for more details.

Key Takeaways

#1: Technology is key to engaging with favorite vacation destination — following the destination on social media, adding it to their weather app, and having a destination wallpaper on their phone/computer were the most used reminders.

#2: 2.50% of people read social media posts weekly reminding them of their favorite vacation.

#3: Having 2 or 3 keepsakes around your work or home also makes you happier. Bumper stickers, ringtones, and workspace displays as reminders correlate to greater happiness

#4: Buy mementoes! Reminders help you mental travel backward to your favorite destination and forward to your next visit!

#5: Not having mementoes makes you less happy!

#6: Mentally time traveling forward spurs booking your next trip!

#7: The more you travel the happier you are!

#8: To be happier, book a trip! The expectation of trips to your favorite vacation makes you an overall happier person!

#9: Go to the beach! Beach vacations are the most popular vacation type regardless of how much you travel.